1200 Calories Diet Without Gluten

A 1200 calorie diet + a gluten-free diet, what do you think? Lose weight, while eating healthy, balanced and gluten-free, it’s possible!


The 1200 calorie diet is what?

The diet is a low-calorie diet “fat-burning”. The goal is to bring about a change in the hygiene of life, banishing all products high in fat and sugar. But also, by reducing the daily consumption of calories, so that the body can go to burn the stored fat in its provisions. So, the pounds fly away!


What is a gluten-free diet?

The gluten-free diet consists of eliminating any food containing gluten. Gluten is a protein found in slim build keto many grains, mainly: barley, rye, wheat and spelled. Gluten is intended to provide elasticity during the making of bread, pasta, pastries, etc.

For whom and why go on a gluten-free diet?

There are two categories. The first category concerns people with gluten intolerance. These people are obliged to eliminate gluten from their diet, to preserve their intestines digestive complaints, but also, serious diseases, that could cause gluten.

The second category targets people with gluten sensitivity and people who want to lose weight. These people opt for the gluten-free diet to improve their lifestyle and to have more comfort.

 Whatever category you belong to, it is possible to combine a a gluten-free diet with a low-calorie diet!


How to make a menu at 1200 kcal without gluten?

Here is a typical menu, which will perfectly match your diet. But one of our last advice is that you will need the motivation to overcome this ordeal!


·         One coffee or tea without sugar

·         One hard-boiled egg

·         Two rice cakes

·         20 g of fresh cheese

·         One organic tomato


·         One natural yoghurt

·         1 Gala apple

·         Lunch

·         150 g salad from Nice

·         One grilled beef steak

·         150 g of whole rice

·         100 g green beans


·         150 g of white cheese 0%

·         50 g gooseberry

·         Having dinner

·         1 cup of coral lentil soup

A varied menu, healthy, balanced keto diet and gluten-free at 1098 calories. You have the most balanced diet. To add a vegetable and a fruit, and enjoy maximum benefits!

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