If you haven't read Wheat Belly, I recommend you get it
because it's a great read. It's written by Dr William Davis who is a
cardiologist, and he argues is that wheat is one of the most significant
contributing factors in the health issues and the skyrocketing obesity rates we
see in the world today, and if you lose the wheat then you lose the weight.
Hence, my nutrition is going to be wheat-free.
The second book that I relied on is called the 4 Hour Body.
It's written by Tim Ferris, who is also the author of the 4 Hour Workweek.
There are essentially five rules that I need to follow.
1. Rule# 1 Avoid "white" carbs
2. Rule #2 Don't drink calories
3. Rule #3 Don't eat fruits
4. Rule #4 Eat the same meals over and over again
5. Rule#5 Take one day off per week
So here's how I will overhaul my diet.
Every morning for breakfast, I will have a protein shake. Ingredients
for Dinner and Lunch will include Tuna, Red Kidney Beans, Eggs, Chicken, Salad.
As you can tell, my diet for the first quarter of the day is
strict and challenging, but at the same, it's simple. I don't have to be a great
chef and the meals are quick and easy to make.